A beautiful treatment for the mind, body and soul. After a short check in talk, the Ritual begins. Customized to the client's current needs and desires, the client is supported to enter a deep relaxed, meditative state. Utilizing Thai Yoga massage techniques to harmonize the energy body, release tension, and activate the flow of chi through the body. Energy work to varying degrees can also be incorporated, to support the system's natural flow towards integration. Integration being the establishment of a feeling of peacefulness, harmony and bliss.
Each experience is different, even for the same person, as the work addresses topics that are present in the moment for the client. These Rituals also have the potential to support the integration of long holding traumas and heal emotional or physical injuries.
Give yourself the experience of feeling deepest relaxation, inner harmony, and peace... taking this experience to inform your daily life. The more often you can experience peace and calm, the easier it is for you to find your own way there, even in the most stressful of situations! Its like the stress cannot permeat through to your center. You are like a Buddha in the center, remaining calm, confident, and responsive. No matter what is going on around you.
Wonderful to combine with one of our Workshops, Retreats or Coaching Sessions! Inviting even deeper integration of the work already done.
Thai Yoga Healing Ritual